Mature readers - high risk of nudity, sexual themes, and/or violence

The Wrath of the Raven!

Part 1: Wings of Terror!

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This is me having some fun with the idea that a hero(ine) can hide his/her identity behind a pair of glasses and a business suit a la Superman/Clark Kent. Charlotte's supervisors, Evelyn Watson and Letitia Delacourt, discuss the remarkable resemblance between their Victorian-era-wannabe co-worker and the "Voluptuous Avenger", before dismissing the idea that they could actually be one and the same. (We, of course, are about to find out different...)

(The classic Golden Age character "Phantom Lady" is even more ridiculous in this regard: Sandra Knight, a highly visible figure due to her being a Senator's daughter and a maven of high society, doesn't even bother with a mask. She simply dons a skimpy costume, and nobody recognizes Phantom Lady and Sandra Knight are the same person?!)

©2016 David C. Matthews