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DCM Studios Online presents
The Damsel Dynamo!
Menace in Metal!
13 - Head On

COMMENTARY: One of the more difficult and time-consuming challenges in producing this strip has turned out to be backgrounds. As I've commented before, this is the largest-scale story (in terms of its settings) that I've attempted so far. City streets and skylines galore!!

I thought that one way to cut down the amount of time and effort needed to do a strip that took place on the streets was to use photographs instead of drawing every single building, car and streetlamp by hand. It sounds simple: take a photograph, desaturate it to turn it into a grayscale pic, then run the "Poster Edges" filter on it in Photoshop. Heh. Turns out that "taking" (as in "obtaining") the photo is the difficult part! I search the Internet for skylines and cityscapes, and there are quite a few photos out there! But very few of them are suitable for my purposes; extremely long shots of a skyline at the horizon are great for establishing shots (like Panel 1 of Strip 1), but when the characters interact with the setting I need lower-angle shots that feature more of the actual streets, and building fronts. Those pics I have to take myself; so, slowly, ever so slowly, I'm building up a collection of shots of downtown Orlando that I can use for not only this story, but future sagas as well. (Panel 1 on this page, for example, is a collage of a shot of an intersection I took from the top floor of a parking garage, combined with a pic of the Salt Lake City skyline I found on the Web.)

But as the series goes on, expect to see more of the "abstract/impressionist" style of suggesting buildings like what you see in Panel 2 above. It's almost as much time and trouble to do that as it is to collect and adapt photos... and I thought that would save time! Once again: heh.

© 2005 David C. Matthews