Here's a scene I wish I could've included in a story! Remember that this was the era of the "Indiana Jones" movies and their various imitators.

Perhaps Leenah is leading an expedition to some ancient and shunned temple deep in The Jungle. Perhaps they're racing a party of evil tomb raiders to some incredibly rare, fabulously valuable and/or apocalyptically powerful artifact. They reach the artifact first, but the rival gang has either tricked them, or robbed them of it, and has set off explosive charges to collapse the temple around our hapless heroes while they make their escape to gloat over their incredible "find"! Bad enough that the blast is literally bringing the ceiling down on Leenah and co., it's also loosened the huge stone door which is now slowly descending to cut off their escape! Leenah rushes under the door, using her incredible strength to hold the door up for a precious few seconds as she yells to the rest of the party to get the hell out of here!

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© 2006 David C. Matthews